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Plastic Injection Molding Electrical Equipment

Plastic injection Molding Is Conducive To Electrical Equipment

You usually don’t think of “plastic” when you think of electrical equipment.  Copper, brass, steel, even rubber comes to mind, but plastic? Wouldn’t it be likely to break, melt or stop the current in some way? The answer to the first two concerns is an emphatic “no.” High-temperature precision thermoplastics, as their name implies, have…

Filed Under:plastic injection molded electronic parts , Plastic Injection Molding Electrical Equipment

Plastic Injection Molding: An Abridged History

PLASTIC INJECTION MOLDING INVENTED IN 19TH CENTURY? YEP! 1868, to be precise.  American inventor John W. Hyatt patented a process that produced a product he called “celluloid” (not what later would eventually become movie film) which he used as a replacement for ivory in billiard balls and piano keys, among other things. Although an Englishman…

Filed Under:personal care product packaging , Plastic Injection Molding Electrical Equipment