(May 29, 2014)
AdvanTech Plastics has entered into agreements with several Pepsico bottlers to produce the industry standard PCO 1881 caps for their CSD lines, reports AdvanTech president Al Zoller.
Developed in 2011 by the International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT), which represents more than 800 beverage industry professionals in over 21 countries, PCO 1881 is the first new CSD finish standard in about 20 years. The previous standard for the industry was the two-piece PCO 1810 system, which weighs 8 g., as opposed to the new one-piece 1881 system which weighs just 6.22 grams – a reduction of roughly 20%.
The new cap standard not only saves the industry money, it takes millions of pounds of plastic out of the waste stream every year. “That translates into fewer resources needed to make the product, leading to a reduced carbon footprint and ongoing sustainability advantages. That’s good for the environment,” Zoller says.
The CSD category requires a tight closure seal to keep CO2 locked in, so the beverage doesn’t go flat. Another issue for bottlers is distortion of the neck during closure application, which can lead to as much as 2% or more of rejected product. PCO 1881 is compliant with both those issues. The reason is simple: instead of down-pressure during the sealing process, which the 1810 system required, 1881 closures provide lateral, opposing-force pressure from both the outside and inside, effectively supporting instead of distorting the neck. This leads to fewer cocked caps on the production line.
Moreover, 1881 standard caps are produced from less expensive HDPE (High Density Polyethylene), in contrast to the 1810 caps, which were manufactured with more expensive PP (Polypropylene).
“We pleased to begin our relationships with the Pepsico bottlers,” Zoller says. “With our recent plant and machinery acquisitions, it’s an exciting time for our company.”