I don’t mean to scare you but I personally prefer lighting systems supported by plastic injection molding technology. These wonderful LED systems are available for purchase in three-dimensional styles, usually manifesting in long strands available in all colors of the spectrum. Some come as single bulbs, and are embedded in crazy objects like black candelabras holding a single, orange flame mimicking candlelight.
I don’t think I am alone in saying that lighting expresses my glee surrounding the approaching holidays. Delight about each and every holiday–from New Year’s in January, through Halloween in October, and Hannukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa season in December can be visible to my neighbors, family, and the heavy traffic of Highway 100 I see from my second-floor apartment window.
In John F. Van Derlofske’s article, “Computer Modeling of LED Pipe Systems for Uniform Display Information” he mentions just how important the plastic injection molding form is to producing that uniform illumination artists like myself love to adorn our homes, restaurants, school classrooms, and business store front windows.
When I was growing up, back in the mid-1960’s, and before the influx of infinite options of plastic injection molding, lighting installations shone briefly during a small duration of the current holiday. The tradition dictated that lights for the December celebrations were installed the day after Thanksgiving–and shame on the family who left up their displays after New Year’s Day.
These days, the tradition is “Let’s celebrate all year long!” We have the technology, the affordability, and the availability of the products that plastic injection molding helps create. This year, on Halloween, you won’t see a carved jack-o-lantern on my doorstep. Instead, you’ll see strings, and strands of multi-colored lights that are not only orange, but maybe purple, black, red……..and they just might stay up all year! Happy Halloween!!