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20 Minutes To More Efficient Plastic Injection Molding

Too good to be true, you say? Believe it:  the latest production monitoring systems are increasingly internet-based (usually wi-fi)  and can be installed by even the most non-techie executive.  The goal?  Saving money, of course, by utilizing real-time data from the plastic injection molding process, then turning around and making that process more efficient.  And…

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Truths of Plastic Injection Molding Re-shoring & Automation

It’s hard to drill down to the facts these days — on any topic.  The surfeit of information precipitated by digital media (read: the internet) has confused and distracted almost everyone from the truth about everything. Manufacturing is no exception.  Just mentioning the words off-shoring, re-shoring and  automation is to beg an instant argument.  But…

Filed Under:medical dental plastic supplies , Plastic Injection Molding Medical Parts , Uncategorized

How to keep your molding machines happy (and profitable!)

Like cats and dogs, the production manager and the maintenance manager constantly feud for machine time in many plastic injection molding plants. Unfortunately, production usually wins because it generates revenue and maintenance is considered overhead.  Routine maintenance on molding machines is sacrificed on the altar of profit. Of course, if maintenance is delayed too long… well, you know…

Filed Under:Uncategorized

Biodegradable plastic a growing trend in Europe

Europe has always been a trend-setter when it comes to all things “green,” environmentally-speaking. So news that the consumption of biodegradable and compost-able plastic products in Europe is expected to increase 300% from 2015 to 2020 should be taken very seriously indeed by the plastic powers-that-be stateside.  While plastic recycling is regarded as the height…

Filed Under:Plastic food packaging , Uncategorized

Putting Closure on AdvanTech’s History — and Future

A long, long time ago (OK, not that long ago, really — 2001),  our CEO, Al Zoller, bought the company that he would eventually rename AdvanTech four years later.  The company’s original building, home to the former Plasticraft tool shop, covers 27,000 ft. and is more than 70 years old.  Over the years, it’s been upgraded…

Filed Under:Plastic Caps and Closures , Uncategorized

You Don’t Have To Put A Label On It!

Manufacturing is all about reducing complexity.  After all, if you can remove a step from the process, wouldn’t that save time and (of course) money?  The big question is, (also, of course)”how”? Enter “in-mold labeling,” which is the process of applying labels to plastic-injection molded products like containers or bottles during the manufacturing process.  In-mold labeling,…

Filed Under:Plastic Injection Molding Methods , Uncategorized